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​The Nutrient Content of VitaMinePlus

VitaMinePlus is made just from natural nutritional foods.

However, we've succeeded in letting it have an excellent well-balance of nutrients as a whole, as in the graph below.

Nutrient Fact of VitaMinePlus 【Boiled Imogara・最新版】.jpg
The horizontal line at 1.0 of the vertical axis in this graph indicates the estimated average requirements for each nutrient per day per adult at age 30~49.

VitaMinePlus is for anyone at any age(except for infants under age 1). There's an index on the package for the adequate intake amount by age.

​And please be relieved that overdose of vitamin K is said to be without any problem nor there’s any stipulation of limiting the intake of Vitamin K.

​​<The essential points to be aware of this product>
This product is carefully designed with sufficient attention for safety throughout every aspect of development for its nutritional ingredients. 
As for the nutrients exceeding over the recommended amount for a day, assuming that those amounts are to be consumed within a day, or further, even if such manner of intake and consumption continued for several days, it has been thoroughly confirmed that such excesses wouldn't have
significant effects on human body in general.
However, it is without doubt preferable to hold nutritional intake within the recommended levels as far as possible. 
Moreover,  this health product is deficient in other elements of nutrients than minerals, vitamins and protein, and also in vitamin C.
​Therefore, it'd be appreciated if you'd be aware not to lead your life with inordinate and excessive dietary manner, as intaking just VitaMinePlus for meals all through.
And we'd be very pleased if you wisely consume our product by making it your point to appropriately supplement other nutrients as well.  

※Wonder why it shows such figures in this analysis? It's because the nutrients involved are all from natural-health food products, and hence, the coodination and arrangement of those nutritional elements inevitably succumb to the confinement from ​nutrients in those products. 

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